

  • Terwujudnya Lulusan yang unggul, berdaya saing global, dan mampu mewujudkan industri kreatif dalam bidang kajian linguistik, kesastraan, dan penterjemahan pada 2025.


  1. Membentuk lulusan yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berbudi luhur, dan berintegritas;
  2. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan di bidang linguistik, kesusastraan, dan penerjemahan secara profesional dengan memadukan hard skill dan soft skill yang disertai dengan kemampuan berwirausaha;
  3. Menyelenggarakan Penelitian dan Pengabdian yang terintegrasi dalam tiga bidang keilmuan, yang mencakup linguistik, kesusastraan, dan penerjemahan yang sejalan dengan perkembangan IPTEK;
  4. Membentuk lulusan yang mampu berfikir kritis, mengambil keputusan berdasarkan analisa informasi dan data, berkomunikasi, dan berkolaborasi dalam bidang kajian linguistik, kesastraan, dan penerjemahan yang sesuai dengan tuntutan dan tantangan era abad 21;
  5. Mengembangkan jejaring dengan perguruan tinggi dan industri dalam negeri dan luar negeri guna membentuk kerja sama Pendidikan, riset, dan kewirausahaan sesuai dengan bidang linguistik, kesusastraan, dan penerjemahan.


  • Menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dalam bidang linguistik, kesusastraan, dan penerjemahan;
  • Menghasilkan penelitian di bidang linguistik, kesusastraan, dan penerjemahan yang sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan sains;
  • Meningkatkan relevansi pendidikan linguistik, kesusastraan, dan penerjemahan dengan kebutuhan dunia kerja yang senantiasa berkembang;
  • Mengembangkan kerja sama dengan institusi dalam dan luar negeri.


Becoming the linguistics, literary, eminent and highly competitive translation development center in the global world.



  1. Providing professional in linguistics, literature, and translation education by combining hard skills and soft skills, accompanied by entrepreneurship skills.
  2. Conducting integrated research into three scholarly areas including linguistics, literature, and translation.
  3. Conducting community devotion in order to apply the linguistics, literature, and translation.



  1. To bring out qualified human resources in linguistics, literature, and translation field.
  2. To produce research in linguistics, literature, and translation which in line with science and technology development.
  3. To improve linguistics, literature, and translation relevance to constantly developing work field needs.
  4. To develop domestic and foreign institutions coorperation.



  1. To bring out highly competitive graduates in linguistics, literature, and translation field.
  2. To improve competency-based curriculum relevance to the needs and working field demands in accordance with linguistics, literature, and translation development.
  3. To bring out graduates who can obtain work which compatible with the linguistics, literature, and translation field.
  4. To improve human resources quality capable in developing linguistics, literature, and translation field through sustainable research.
  5. To increase linguistics, literature, and translation relevance and application in community devotion activity.

Objectives Strategies

The following is the chosen strategy and effort to embody the vision, mission, goals and objectives.

  1. Education Area
  2. Applying competence-based curriculum according to relevance aspect, in Academic Year of 2013/2014.
  3. Regularly evaluating acadmic policies at the beginning of each semester to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of learning and education management process.
  4. Developing Student Centered Learning (SCL) learning methods to improve the learning quality.
  5. Improving Academic Tutor in planning and controlling student academic activity to improve graduates quality.
  6. Improving student’s Final Project (Undergraduate Thesis) quality by involving them in faculty research so that the student research quality will improve.
  7. Human Resources Area
  8. Conducting internal faculty seminars and discussions.
  9. Sending faculty members and educational staff to attend a seminar / workshop / training.
  10. Motivating the lecturers to continue the studies to a higher level that suits their field.
  11. Internal Management and Organization Area
  12. Establishing management information system and operational procedures for all activities held by study program as a Work Instruction (operational standard procedure).
  13. Implementing organizational practice for all components.
  14. Measuring lecturers performance in study program.
  15. Supporting Facilities Area
  16. Improving learning resources and references availability, such as books, scientific journals, and the Jakarta Post newspaper.
  17. Improving learning technology availabilty to improve learning, research, and community devotion quality.
  18. Students and Alumni Affairs
  19. Maintaining and improving annual routine activities quality, namely (1) TOEFL test, (2) Grammar Club, (3) Conversation Club, (4) OUCH Magazine, (5) Wall Magazine, (6) Cultural introduction activities through Scottish Dance, (7) British Festival, (8) English Debate.
  20. Tightening the alumni family bonds of English Literature Study Program through alumni gathering and grand reunioun activities.
  21. Research and Community Devotion Area
  22. Improving the faculty research quantity and quality by requiring the faculty to conduct research at least twice a year;
  23. Improving faculties or students research publication quantity and quality;
  24. Improving community devotion quantity and quality of lecturers and students.
  25. Cooperation Area
  26. Improving the quality and cooperative activites type to The Bristish Council, Regional English Language Office (RELO) of US Embassy, TOEIC Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, New Jersey USA;
  27. Pioneering cooperation with other institutions that can ber useful for improving linguistics, literature, and translation quality.

Vision and Mission Objective Parameter of 2020

  1. Improvement in society interest toward Study Program academic quality as provened by the increase in the number of freshmen enrollment that are targeted to increase more than 100%.
  2. Freshmen input source distribution which not only from DKI Jakarta area but also evenly from highschool in Jabodetabek area.
  3. Scientifically conducive improvement of campus academic atmosphere which shown in the graduates GPA improvement more than 3.00.
  4. Graduation waiting period can be achieved by all graduates in less than 6 months.
  5. Positive appreciation from English Literature graduate users as proven by feedback documents.
  6. Getting accredited A for English Literature study program.
  7. Increae in faculty research involving students in English Literature competence roadmap.
  8. Successfully achieving national publication at least 2 papers for every semester.
  9. English Literature Study Program faculty members successfully get the doctoral degree as much as 2 persons.
  10. Increase in training activities organized by Study Program by inviting successful alumni in applicative English language and literature work field.
  11. Increasing achievement of srudent activities in national scientific competition (debate, scientific and creative writing, etc).


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