Jakarta (UNAS) – October is celebrated as “Bulan Bahasa” which usually becomes the month of most Language or Arts faculties in Indonesia. Every October, HIMASASING holds an event called OCT-FEST (October Festival), which is a free event for the Universitas Nasional’s students. Since it also the month when English culture, Halloween, is celebrated, HIMASASING celebrates October Festival with a Halloween theme.

Held on October 31, 2016, at National University’s Block 4 Hallway, HIMASASING turned the block corner basic colors (green and white) of the University’s building into Halloween themed colors (black and orange). With a touch of spooky yet cute decorations, (such as the white ghosts, the bats, the pumpkins, etc) HIMASASING built the Halloween atmosphere quite well.

As other Halloween events, the members of HIMASASING were also dressed up as characters and most of them were dressing up as the spirits or the evils from movies. They turned into a pack of the living dead who surely also liked poetry, as they scattered along the hallways creating choreography for the poetry reading.

The Scottish Dance was performed in the event by the Scottish Dancers of the English Literature department students of Universitas Nasional. Free “spooky” food  also provided in the event, but some Halloween themed questions must be answered in order to get the food. It’s a fun way to dig the knowledge of what you know about Halloween and also because of a great teamwork from the HIMASASING members, the event went “spookily” well.

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